
5 min

The theme can be configured in .vuepress/config.js. Refer to here for all possible options.


The configs of this theme are compatible with all the configs of VuePress's default theme except:

  • logo
  • logoDark
  • darkMode (dark mode switching is always enabled in this theme)
  • repo
  • repoLabel

Please refer to reference of VuePress's default theme config for how to set them.


Please make sure all the icons you specified in the configuration file are already imported, see here to know how to import icons.

Different from the default theme, Gungnir theme displays themeConfig.navbarTitle instead of the title option in site config at the left of the navbar:

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
    other site configurations

  theme: gungnirTheme({
      other theme configurations
    navbarTitle: "Gungnir"  // optional, default: "$ cd /home/"


It can also be used in the locales option, for example:

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    locales: {
      "/": {
        navbarTitle: "Gungnir"
      "/zh/": {
        navbarTitle: "冈格尼尔"

Author Information

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    personalInfo: {
      // required: nickname, will be showed on home page, mobile sidebar and author info of articles
      name: "Cool Dragon",

      // required: avatar, will be showed on home page and mobile sidebar
      avatar: "/img/avatar.jpeg",

      // required: a description, will be showed on home page
      description: 'A cool dragon lost in human world.',
      // optional: id of social platform, will be showed on home page and mobile sidebar
      sns: {
        github: 'Renovamen',  // Github
        linkedin: 'xiaohan-zou-55bba0160',  // Linkedin
        facebook: 'renovamen.zou',  // Facebook
        twitter: 'renovamen_zxh',  // Twitter
        zhihu: 'chao-neng-gui-su',  // Zhihu
        weibo: 'your-weibo-id',  // Sina Weibo
        email: '',  // Email
        rss: "/rss.xml",  // link to RSS file
        // if you want to add other social platforms
        bilibili: {  // any name you want
          icon: "ri-bilibili-line",  // platform icon
          link: ""  // profile URL
        // ...

Home Page

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    homeHeaderImages: [
      // image 1
        "path": "/img/home-bg/1.jpg",
        "mask": "rgba(40, 57, 101, .4)"
      // image 2
        "path": "/img/home-bg/2.jpg",
        "mask": "rgb(251, 170, 152, .2)"
    blogNumPerPage: 20  // optional: maximum number of blogs per page, default: 10

The mask is a translucent overlay placed on the cover image. It will be helpful when your cover image is so complex that your title can not stand out.

Check the home page of this site to see the effect. Click the left and right button to switch among multiple cover images.

Other Pages

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    pages: {
      // tags page
      tags: {
        // optional: subtitle of tags page
        subtitle: 'Hey! Here is tags page!',

        // optional: paths to and masks of the tags page cover images
        bgImage: {
          path: '/img/pages/tags.jpg',
          mask: 'rgba(211, 136, 37, .5)'

      // links page
      links: {
        // optional: subtitle of links page
        subtitle: 'Hey! Here is links page!',

        // optional: paths to and masks of the links page cover images
        bgImage: {
          path: '/img/pages/links.jpg',
          mask: 'rgba(64, 118, 190, 0.5)'

Check the tags page and links page to see the effect.

To edit the title of the above mentioned pages, please refer to Multi-language Support (TODO) section.

Support HTML. For example, the footer of this site is:

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    footer: `
      &copy; <a href="" target="_blank">Renovamen</a> 2018-2022
      Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">VuePress</a> &
      <a href="" target="_blank">Gungnir</a>


Enable or disable post catalog for all posts. Can be rewritten in each post's front matter.

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: gungnirTheme({
    catalog: false  // optional, default: true