Plugin vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
for adding comment system Giscus powered by GitHub Discussions to VuePress 2.
pnpm install vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
yarn add vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
npm install vuepress-plugin-giscus@next
First you need to:
- Create a public Github repository and enable Discussions for it
- Install Giscus app
- Browse Giscus's website and generate your repo id, category id and other things on the website
Add the plugin to your .vuepress/config.js
const { giscusPlugin } = require("vuepress-plugin-giscus");
module.exports = {
plugins: [
repo: "[repo]", // required, string, format: user_name/repo_name
repoId: "[repo id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
category: "[category name]", // required, string
categoryId: "[category id]", // required, string, generate it on Giscus's website
mapping: "[page <-> discussion mapping]", // optional, string, default="title"
reactionsEnabled: "[enable reactions or not?]", // optional, boolean, default=true
theme: "[theme]", // optional, string, default="light"
lang: "[language]", // optional, string, default="auto" (follow the site's language, fell to "en" if your site's language is not supported by Giscus)
lazyLoad: true, // optional, boolean, default=false (if true, loading of Giscus will be deferred until the user scrolls near the comments container)
crossorigin: "[crossorigin]" // optional, string, default="anonymous"
After that, Giscus
will have already been registered as a Vue component, so you can use it in Vuepress directly. You can also change Giscus' theme, language and enablement on-the-fly by pass props to the component (how it works):
<Giscus :theme="theme" :lang="lang" :reactionsEnabled="reactionsEnabled" />